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Development and Refurbishment – 90% Loan to all Costs available – Terms available for Professional Developers & First-time Builders. 100% of costs available with funder profit share.
Commercial Mortgages – Up to 81.5% LTV (100% plus goodwill in some professional sectors). Rates start at 1.85% over base rate. Terms up to 30 years with Interest-Only options
Bridging and Short-term Finance – from 0.4% pcm – Available for Auction Purchases

Types of Finance Available

For more details of terms currently available in today’s Market please select the appropriate funding sector:

Owner Occupied Commercial Mortgages

Offices, Retail Shops (with or without flats), Warehouses, Industrial units Leisure and Health Care.

Facilities as high as 100% for professional Practices including Accountants, Architects, Dentists, Solicitors and Valuers

Property Investment

Finance available for both institutional and short term lease rental schedules.

Facilities are available up to 30 years at competitive rates. All types of property accepted, including Factories, Shops, offices or mixed property types

Property Development Finance

Residential and Commercial funding for single unit and multi-million pound schemes. Terms available for House Builders, property developers and those undertaking their first development with no or little related experience.

Bridging & Short-term Finance

Auction purchases, Short-term holds, quick refinances, we can also handle the take out and arrange closed bridges. Available for all property types at competitive rates.

Invoice Finance and Factoring

Do you sell goods and services to other businesses? Having made a sale do you then have to wait for up to 90 days for payment? Invoice Finance can release up to 95% of funds tied up in invoices, with money released to you within 24 hours.

Asset Finance

Most businesses need some form of equipment to carry out their day to day activities, whether that is Vehicles, Computers and other IT equipment, Plant, Machinery or many other item types.

Offshore & ExPat Clients

Whether BTL or commercial investment – we are able to source finance from both UK based institutions and those based abroad to find the right solution to meet your finance requirement.

Other Business Finance

Most of the Omega team were previously lending or relationship managers at major Banks and other financial institutions. We therefore understand how businesses work and, more importantly, the issues they face and how to overcome them.

Secured Loans

Secured Loans are an established way of raising money for just about any purpose. Lenders take a second charge over a main residence or buy to let property, and provide a new loan with the existing mortgage staying where it is.

Pension Scheme Borrowing

Many people aren’t aware that you can borrow through your SIPP (self-invested personal pension) or SASS (small self-administered scheme) when purchasing or financing Commercial or Semi-Commercial Property.

Covid Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS)

Speak to Omega about how we can help your business access the Government-guaranteed recovery loan scheme.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

