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Development and Refurbishment – 90% Loan to all Costs available – Terms available for Professional Developers & First-time Builders. 100% of costs available with funder profit share.
Commercial Mortgages – Up to 85% LTV (100% plus goodwill in some professional sectors). Rates start at 1.85% over base rate. Terms up to 30 years with Interest-Only options
Bridging and Short-term Finance – from 0.4% pcm – Available for Auction Purchases

Commercial Mortgages for Industrial Units and Warehouses

Commercial Mortgages for businesses seeking to purchase or refinance their own trading premises

Commercial mortgages up to 85% of property value, business goodwill can also be funded for certain sectors.

Whether buying new property or refinancing outstanding debt, we can help every step of the way. Our bespoke service ensures we fully understand the business and the funding requirements, delivering not just any deal but the right deal.

We’ll outline the very best terms available, then manage the application process from enquiry to full credit sanction and through to completion.

Commercial mortgages are available to all applicant types; individuals, partnerships and limited companies, including situations where the property is owned by or to be purchased in the name of the directors and rented to their business.

Interest-only and part-repayment options are available with loan terms up to 30 years. There is no requirement to transfer day to day business banking to the new lender in many cases.

Professional practices can be financed to 100% of property value plus goodwill funding

Property types funded include the following:

Shops and other retail units*

Industrial / Factory Units


Garden Centres

Public Houses*


Hotels and B&Bs

Restaurants / takeaways / Cafes*

Day Nurseries

Professional Practices

Car Showroom

Farms and other rural property*

Care Homes


Petrol Stations

Educational Establishments

*with or without accommodation

Please note this is not an exhaustive list, most property types can be funded. It may also be possible to arrange commercial mortgages for applicants with previous credit problems.

To find out how we can help, please enquire here or give us a call.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

